Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Then and Now

Seahorses 2000 - 2011

A week or two back we got talking about the early flash sheets we'd done when we first started tattooing. This led to us digging them up to share and giggle over. My first sheet was heavily influenced by David Bollt, I just adored his stuff.

Having old work brought out to mix and mingle with the new stuff is a real eye opener. You know you've improved over the years but.... wow LOL. I think most of us artists tend to keep an eye on those we admire, those we think are so much better they wouldn't give us the time of day, that we don't fully comprehend just how far we have come over the years.... and just how far we will continue to go.

This was fun, we joked and disparaged our work that we were so proud of at the time, but there was an underlying tenderness toward our baby steps and wondrous excitement at the thought....

"Holy Crap! how good will I be in another 10 years????"

I think we all need to be able to encourage and even pat ourselves on the back once in a while so if any of you  post some "then and now" pics, send me a link and I'll feature them here and give some props to your growth. :)

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